National Programs on Circular Economy (Title and Web Link) | Main objectives and what it is about |
EU Level |
European Green Deal – A European Green Deal | European Commission ( | – Circular Economy Action Plan* as part of the Green Deal – hold more products longer in the circle to modernise the economy – European Circular Economy Platform – good practices and reports |
Horizon Europe – Horizon Europe | European Commission ( | – support research and innovation e.g. from Horizon 2020 should promote remanufacturing research program from Horizon 2020Trainings for workers in circular economy – for high qualified workers |
EU-Monitoring – | monitoring metrics of each member state with regard to circular economy | | *The Circular Economy Package consists of an EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy that establishes a concrete and ambitious programme of action, with measures covering the whole cycle: from production and consumption to waste management and the market for secondary raw materials. |
“Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz” – Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz | Gesetze und Verordnungen | BMU | priority of waste avoidance; following reuse and recycling |
Hightech-Strategy 2025 – Hightech-Strategie 2025 – BMBF | support innovation and research; themes like sustainability and climate protection, different programs like “Innovative Hochschule” or “CLIENT II – Internationale Partnerschaften für nachhaltige Innovationen” |
Circular Economy Initiative Germany – Circular Economy Initiative Deutschland ( | trend to more circular economy as a priority; in cooperation with politic, society, economy and academia |
guiding principles for a circular economy – Leitsätze einer Kreislaufwirtschaft | Umweltbundesamt | principles for circular economy in Germany; e.g. design and goals |
FONA – research for sustainability – Forschung für Nachhaltigkeit (FONA) | support measure of different topics connecting to sustainability; e.g. resource efficient circular economy – innovative product circles or technologies to recycle plastic |
ESPAÑA CIRCULAR 2030: Estrategia Española de Economía Circular ESPAÑA CIRCULAR 2030: Spanish Circular Economy Strategy | |
National Action Plan on Circular Economy | -Moving up the waste hierarchy by focusing on preventing waste and improving recycling -supporting circular entrepreneurship by promoting “industrial symbiosis” and business clusters -supporting circular consumption patterns of re-using and repairing rather than buying new products -enhancing multi-stakeholder partnership across industry, academia and civil society |
National Strategy for the Circular Economy | -Preparation of a National Action Plan for the promotion of Green Public Procurement -Elaboration of proposals to reduce food -Development of innovative applications and cutting-edge technologies for waste management within RIS3 -Development of ecological design criteria -Promoting the use of brokerage at the level of regions or cities to promote the circular economy, as an unpaid consulting service |
Establishment of a national Circular Economy Observatory | -Collection, processing of data and drawing conclusions on the evolution of the circular economy -Monitoring of national indicators of the circular economy and preparation of an annual report -Cooperation with productive and social bodies |
Creation of the national initiative «Circular Alliance for Greece | -Funding from the green fund -Agreements with NGOs and producers, with a view to voluntary agreements (food, tourism, industry) -Information and public awareness actions |
Creation of urban spaces as «creative reuse centers», with utilization of the Green Points / KAEDISP and their transformation into «Green Centers» | -mapping of existing reuse initiatives and examining the possibility of establishing a common framework / guidelines for establishing social education / repair centers in cities (repair-café, more integrated structures, local / regional platforms and websites) – compiling a specific list of incoming waste -connection of green centers with waste treatment structure -segregation and classification of incoming waste with a focus on reuse and hazardous waste. |
SLOVENIA | | The Roadmap towards the Circular Economy in Slovenia sets the path for Slovenia to become a circular economy front runner in the region. Designed through an inclusive, multi-stakeholder approach, it identifies four priority sectors, give recommendations to the government and identifies best practices. The Roadmap introduces the Circular Triangle, a model which unites three inseparable elements – Circular Economy (business models), Circular Change (government policies) and Circular Culture (citizens), three interdependent aspects that are at the core of systemic change from a linear to a circular economy in Slovenia. | | Slovenia Country Profile – circular economy | | Experimental statistics: Circular economy indicators, Slovenia, 2016-2019 |
ITALY | | Existing strategies for the transition to a circular economy adopted at national, regional or local level by public authorities. | | Centro Nazionale dei rifiuti e dell’economia circolare | | The official resources of Ministry of Economic Development[1] |